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Happy Spring Everyone!

There is much to share here at Feminist Footprints such as birthdays, new locals, and even a new habitat! But before we get to all of that, I want to share a new feature. I'm calling it Interludes (sounds kinda dirty if you say it too many times, hell, just once is enough).

A Feminist Footprint Interlude is where I will pause my chronological trips down memory lane to bring you a new trip, breaking news, or just a fun or intriguing idea I can't wait to share.

Big things have been happening since we last met, so I will be posting not one but two Interludes--see how tingly you are starting to feel after the third time!--starting in June. I hope you are as excited as I am! So please be sure to check back on the first to read all about my latest adventures and insights. And remember, don't be greedy...share...share...share!

See you soon and keep on traveling with a feminist eye!

Here is a little pictorial hint of what's to come!

Thanks for taking the journey with me! Be Safe! Be Feminist AF!

And don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss a juicy moment!

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