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My Year In Travel: A Pictorial

“I used to dream about escaping my ordinary life, but my life was never ordinary. I had simply failed to notice how extraordinary it was. Likewise, I never imagined that home might be something I would miss.” Ransom Riggs

Whew! 2017 has been quite a ride! This time last year on December 31, 2016, I was boogying down in my friend’s gorgeous brownstone to Prince and other faves as we rang in the New Year. I was without a home of my own, staring fear and an uncertain future square in the face and near a complete freak out.

Last days in my sweet city

Fast forward to December 31, 2017, and I am in Seoul, South Korea preparing to welcome 2018. Those who follow Feminist Footprints know that I took my show on the road in May and now live in Sacheon, South Korea.


So much has change, SO MUCH, but what has remained the same is my love of travel. In between trading in the life of a bartender and struggling writer for the life of a TESOL teacher and struggling writer, I traveled. A lot. I explored my beloved NYC, Europe, and wilder environs beyond.

Lisbon, Portugal Birthday Trip

2017 was a rough year in a lot of ways, but one of the few things that kept me sane was hitting the road and reminding myself of the beauty of the world. And my place in it. And I'm proud to say, I didn’t even let a severely torn gluteus maximus muscle, which took me down two months after my move, stop me.

On my way to my new life in Korea!

So, as we look forward instead of backward with hope for a better life for everyone---loved one and stranger---I wanted to share a pictorial of my 2017. Although they are photos of my past, I will use them as signposts for my future. I hope they inspire you to reach your travel goals in 2018. It’s never too late!

Sacheon Coastal Road and a market in Seoul

Thanks so much for your positive energy and support! Happy New Year!

Jinju Fortress and Busan!

Thanks for stopping by! Please join me on my travels in the New Year when I land in a new country and survive new shenanigans!

Christmas Tree cozies in Seoul!

Remember, be kind to one another, keep on traveling with a feminist eye, and keep on being Feminist AF!

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